ccCBHcc vetted
Obv. 17 Crude date and stars with uneven points
Rev. R STATESOFAMERICA as one word
Les - Below center stand of D
Res - Below center of M
Obv. Date is crude. The 1 is missing its base and has a blunt top serif point. The 8 has thin upper and lower loop edges on the left and thick upper and lower loop edges on right. The 2 has a filled top and bottom, and a shortened base. The 9 is made of thin lines with no knob end on the bottom loop. The stars have uneven points, more noticeably with stars 1, 4, 6, 7, and 9 through 13.
Rev. STATESOFAMERICA as one word. Uneven legend letters with many letters incomplete or having enlarged serifs and / or stands. Additionally in the legend, the U is elongated in UNITED, and the second A in AMERICA is smaller. The 50 C. is made of very thin lines with the C and the period widely spaced. The segments around the edge have needle shaped ends instead of being rounded.
1 piece seen; likely brass with plain edge